How Your Voice Works and How to make it work for you

Importance of your voice

The voice has been mentioned as the sound of your soul. It reflects out to the world whatever you are experiencing inside. Imagine the sound of a nervous person vs a totally confident person. Imagine the pitch of a person that is anxious and one that is gregarious. However you are feeling is reflected in your voice. It’s all part of the totality of being. What we feel, think, imagine is reflected in the expression of your entire being broadcast out to the world to hear. Even physical stress affects how the voice is produced and how it resonates from you. You cannot hide what is really going on inside – unless you specifically train your voice to perform for you. And guess what. When you train the voice to be stronger and confidence that affects the feedback loop to your brain that then determines that you are confident and confidence will grow within.

Now, even when you do not exhibit nervousness behaviourally, but you have inner tensions, the audience will still pick up on your tension even though no one can actually point to your sound and identify it. Yes, there are a lot of things that people attend to when watching a presentation that they are not attending to exactly how you sound. But, subconsciously we receive way more information that we consciously process and that subconscious part picks up on the tension in the voice. The listener may not know anything about your voice but they will “get a feeling” about you or your material. A well trained voice is important for persuasive presentations as well as daily effectiveness.

The trained voice

Training the voice is a gradual process although the initial training may be intense. Awareness is the key to transformation. Most of us have no idea how we are using our voices, what vocal habits we exhibit, nor the muscular control over the voice and the quality of our sound. Initial intensive training is important because it primarily makes us aware of how to listen to our voices, aware of how we create the sounds, and an understanding of what we need to do to change it. After the initial intensive training. you will have the understanding to monitor and make gradual changes in your vocal habits. You will soon be noticing how you said something, questioning the openness and resonance of your voice, then playing with your voice as you begin to make the slow but certain progress.

Resonance and how your voice touches your listeners is just one of the ways we use our voices to communicate. We also use different pitches, pauses, intonations, and rhythm that creates the visual re-presentation of your ideas in your listeners minds. This is like combining grammar and music into one study. The song of your speech-ing. Part of the intensive learning process is the learning of the grammar of sound.

Ongoing practice and shaping your speech. Once you have the training, ongoing practice speeches as well as reading aloud will help you shape your spoken language. President Lincoln was well regarded and an orator. Lincoln’s disciplined approach to self-improvement and public speaking. He would meticulously study texts, memorize passages, and then practice delivering them aloud until he could articulate his thoughts effectively to others. This dedication to practice and refinement played a significant role in Lincoln’s development as an exceptional orator.

His law partner, William Herndon, was quoted as saying: “Mr. Lincoln’s habits were methodical and systematic. He read much, and by repeated readings and study fixed in his mind the gems of thought and expression which he found in the volumes he perused. He then would repeat these passages to himself again and again, and at last give them utterance before others. His custom was to train and drill himself in order to speak to the point, and make the most of language. His ambition was a mastery over men as well as over books, to be a power among his fellow-men; and the same system pursued in mastering his books he pursued in mastering his fellow-men.”

Through this voice intensive you will step ahead of the random self-exploration of using your voice to start with a guide that puts you right into self-reflection through awareness with the knowledge of what is needed to create a powerful voice.

Sections in the Training

Resonance – Allowing your voice to resonate from the full capacity of your voice

Pitch – Developing the flexibility to travel the full range of pitch smoothly and to expand your conditioned range.

Articulation – annunciation to speak clearly

Music of you Speech – the phrasing, intonations, emphasis, pausing that convey meaning beyond just the words and help your listeners follow your communication clearly.

Physical support of your vocal character – involves physical exercise to free up and support a strong voice to flow from you.

Authoritative Speaking – also can be considered masculine presence.

What you can expect to gain through the voice course

A voice course titled “Your Voice: How it Works and How to Make it Work for You” can offer several benefits for individuals, both in personal and professional settings. Here’s how learning about:

1. Releasing tension from the body:

  • Improved vocal health: By releasing tension in the throat and neck muscles, you can reduce strain and fatigue, preventing vocal problems like hoarseness and vocal nodules.
  • Enhanced vocal control: Reduced tension allows for smoother transitions between notes and better control over your vocal dynamics, leading to a more expressive and nuanced voice.

2. Using intonation and phrasing for clarity:

  • Effective communication: Mastering intonation and phrasing helps you convey your message clearly and effectively, ensuring your audience understands not just the words, but also the intended meaning and emotions behind them.
  • Increased engagement: When you speak clearly and with appropriate emphasis, you capture and hold your audience’s attention more effectively.

3. Extending vocal range and pitch:

  • Increased expressiveness: A wider vocal range allows you to express a broader range of emotions and add depth to your communication, making it more impactful.
  • Improved confidence: Expanding your vocal range can boost your confidence in using your voice, both in speaking and singing situations.

4. Projecting your voice:

  • Improved audibility: Learning proper vocal projection techniques allows you to be heard clearly in various settings, eliminating the need to strain your voice or repeat yourself.
  • Enhanced presence: Strong vocal projection can project confidence and authority, making a more commanding presence in meetings, presentations, or even social interactions.

5. Utilizing full vocal capacity:

  • Overall vocal health: Understanding your vocal limitations and full capacity empowers you to use your voice safely and effectively, reducing the risk of overuse or injury.
  • Versatility and self-discovery: Exploring the full potential of your voice can open doors to new forms of expression, whether through singing, public speaking, or simply enjoying the power and beauty of your own vocal instrument.

In addition to these specific benefits, the course can also lead to:

  • Increased confidence in social and professional settings.
  • Reduced anxiety and fear associated with public speaking.
  • Improved overall communication skills and interpersonal effectiveness.
  • Enhanced personal enjoyment and appreciation for your unique voice.

Overall, this voice course can be a valuable investment for anyone looking to improve their vocal health, communication skills, and overall confidence in using their voice effectively in various aspects of life.